There are only three things in life that affect us all regardless of our country, language, race, religion, or anything else that divides the human species: health, relationships, and money.

Are you…
😩 struggling with your relationship with money?
📉 unhappy with your finances?
🤑 seeking to break bad money habits, identify areas of opportunity, and plot the path for a healthier dynamic with money?

If any of these apply to you, we have good news. At JoClub, we’ve developed a 21 day Mindful Money journaling challenge, to help you become aware of where your money is going in comparison to where you want it to go. And since money is such a tough topic, we’ll guide you in the practice of financial self-compassion.

With JoClub’s 21 day Mindful Money journaling challenge you will learn how to:

💰 unpack your money baggage
💰 write your wealthy world into reality 
💰 get your emotions to work in favor of your financial decisions
💰 cultivate a wealthy mindset
💰 be kinder to your financial self

But we’re not telling you everything just yet…