They say 21 days is what you need for a habit to stick. That’s why these are perfect to kickstart your journaling habit.

Are you looking to find your purpose or unlock your next career move? 

Or do you need to dive deeper into self-reflection and grow your relationship with yourself? Take one of our self-guided journaling challenges that will take you on your craving journey.
🔍 The purpose-seeker, searching for their next strategic step in life.
❤️‍🩹 The healing heart, working through trauma while building a foundation of self-love and respect.
🎨 The stuck creator, looking for inspiration to intentionally carve their own path.
🧠 The running mind, setting foundational habits and learning consistency to move forward.

And everyone else who is committed to self-awareness, and carving out action steps to design and attract their dream lives and relationships, including the one with themselves.

Take back control of your narrative and script your dream life with JoClub.

Are you feeling…
- Out of touch with yourself?
- Isolated?
- Lost?
- Uninspired?
- Overwhelmed?

At JoClub, we have created a safe space for global minds to invest in themselves and learn about perspectives worldwide while scripting their dream lives through journaling.

JoClub is a global journaling movement made up of an international group of people dedicated to self-awareness, growth, and cultivating a positive community through the tool of journaling. We journal as a collective on live journaling calls on a weekly basis, and stay in touch in an always-on community platform for daily conversation, monthly challenges, and more.

Growing one page at a time.

JoClub prompts and live journaling sessions are strategically designed to take members on an introspective journey each month.

Members connect further to themselves through daily thought-provoking prompts, and they also connect to their fellow members regardless of geographical distances. We’re the people who can’t be bothered with surface-level conversations.

We’ll be your community of accountability partners who genuinely want you to win. We’re the in-betweeners, the introverts, the thinkers, the feelers, and the people who want to document this precious and beautiful time we’re here.

No journaling experience is required, just a notebook, an open mind, and a willingness to listen and share.
JoClub is a collective wholesome community of you cheerleaders, accountability partners, your supporters, regardless of age, gender, color, identity, culture, or religion. 
You’re sitting in a pool of completely unique perspectives. That makes you a more well-rounded person because now you have personal connections to people you probably would not have met otherwise.

Here’s what our members have to say:

“I once heard JoClub described as a combining the mentality and benefits of yoga, therapy, and meditation, and I am absolutely happy to report that is true. I’m amazed that each session just gets better and better - the people in JoClub are truly wonderful and it is such a validating and safe space to be able to met with similarly-minded people who are so welcoming, loving, and non-judgmental. Joining at the start of the year was definitely the best decision I could have made for myself. I didn’t realize it then, but I’m incredibly thankful for it now!” Victoria, USA 🇺🇸

“Discovering JoClub has re-ignited my fire for writing. The timing was divine as I’m currently on a leave from work as a result of burnout. I especially love the monthly calls. The community of members create a warm, safe space to openly share - the learning and tribe vibe have been integral to my wellness journey and recovery.“ Paula, Canada 🇨🇦

“I feel included, accepted and celebrated. Even on my worst days. Even if I miss some meetings I am always welcome back. I still can't believe I am casually chatting and sharing with people on the other side of the world!“ Narod, Greece 🇬🇷

“JoClub has really changed my life. Every time I participate in JoClub, or a JoClub challenge, I realize that it's the thing I didn't know I needed. It is medicine for the soul, and is magic.” Sydney, USA 🇺🇸

JoClub is made for people who are tired of having surface conversations.

Our membership is an act of self-investment. 

✍️ Improve your mental health 
✍️ Grow your relationship with yourself 
✍️ Proactively tackle burnout through the journaling practice 
✍️ Identify who you want to be, and plot a strategic path to become it 
✍️ Outline a path to your dream life, and stay accountable with weekly meetings 
✍️ Connect to a global community of people dedicated to self-development 

We’ll be your always-there accountability partners, cheering you on as you grow!
Has it ever occurred to you that we spend most of our lives working, but we’re never taught how to truly “find our thing?” We’re not taught how to unlock and plot the path for our life’s work. 

Join the Career & Calling Challenge to unlock your next level 👇 

Journaling for 21 days (and further) will help you: 
📓 Design your unique path in life 
📓 Strategically plan your next move 
📓 Unlock some surprising revelations about the life you want to be living 
📓 Get to conclusions you wouldn’t have reached otherwise 
📓 Connect to a global community of people dedicated to self-development 

“I truly enjoyed this 21-day clarity challenge so much. I learned a lot about myself, including how revealing past things has shown me I can trust myself. The passions are still there, I just need to stop running from them.” Jasmin, Career & Calling Challenger

For under $3 a day you’ll unlock things in yourself you never even knew were there.
Do you feel like you’ve lost touch with yourself? Are you feeling lost in your direction? This challenge has the potential to transform you 👇

Journaling for 21 days (and further) will help you:
đź““ Change your relationships with yourself
đź““ Improve your mental health
đź““ Reach some surprising revelations about the person you are and want to be
📓 Get to conclusions you wouldn’t have reached otherwise
đź““ Connect to a global community of people dedicated to self-development

“Thank you Jo for inspiring my creativity and helping me rediscover my passion for journaling. I had fallen into a rut and had been lacking motivation. The 21-day self-awareness challenge empowered me to get in touch with my inner voice and reminded me that the trials and celebrations of my past can aid my growth.” Gina, Self-Awareness Challenger
If you just want to dip your toe in the world of journaling without commitment too much yet, our prompt packs are the perfect place to start!

From self-awareness to motivation, love & relationships, gratitude or self-exploration, you can find the right topic to get you started.